Sunday, June 25, 2006

Costa Rica from Here

Hey whatz up yal it's Martaz aka City High's first prom king. Man. Costa Rica can I say... great in a small way. No flashing lights and huge buildings. Just people living life. A simple life. When people from the states talk about going to another country they only talk about the things that are crazy and stand out. I see this in my "classmates" in the way they take pictures. The landmarks and old churches get a lot of snapshots. Parks get walked through and we want to go see the beaches and waterfalls. But what about the people? A guy walking up to you asking if you want to but a lottery ticket. A lottery ticket? Who in their right mind would buy a lottery ticket from some random dude. And it was night time. But Matt (our guide) gave the man some coins and got a ticket. Or the long line on the side of the hospital, or Dona Sara (the lady the cooks our food). What I am getting at is that I came to see Costa Rica and the Costa Ricans, or Ticos, as they call themselves. I think by just going about their everyday lives they show me what being in Costa Rica is about. Living life as it comes. Or, as the great Muhammad Ali said, “Don’t count the days. Make the days count.”

====> Martaz Jo<====


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