Monday, June 26, 2006

La Lucha (The Struggle)

It's been a real struggle getting down here. But so far it's fun! Yesterday Ms. Wilds said, "We made it to Costa Rica!" five hundred times. She also keeps taking head counts of who's here and who's missing. It's starting to get really annoying.

Other than that it's been a great two days. We did three interviews today. I was so tired, hot, and thirsty. But I got through it. We interviewed Citolde Obregon, Epsy Cambell, and Don Alvaro (I think that's his name).

It each of the three interviews I heard all of them say the word "Lucha." I kept asking myself what that word meant. Almost everytime Matt, our interpreter/head guide, told us what they were saying I missed out on what the word "Lucha" meant. I figured out during the Alvaro interview that this word "Luchar" means to struggle.

It seems to me that Costa Rica as a country has gone through a lot and they are still struggling. It was nice to hear from some of the citizens of Costa Rica.

We learned how to Salsa and Merengue dance today. Oliver and Ms. Wilds were sure struggling to stay on beat!

We've had our struggles on this trip but we always manage to pull through. That's why I know its going to be a great eight more days!

~Stephen B.


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