Monday, June 26, 2006


Red, blue, yellow, green, orange, pink... the colors of the buildings in San Jose are so bright and vibrant they make everything seem more alive! Even though we haven't seen much of the sunshine (they don't call it the rainy season for nothing) you could never describe this place as drab or dreary. Things I have learned in just over one day in Costa Rica: driving is almost a contact sport, for every big church there is an adjacent park, hand gestures and goofy faces are very useful when trying to communicate in a language you don't quite understand (as a side note it never hurts to say gracias and mucho gusto), if you don't understand the exchange rate some people will try to cheat you. But most importantly from the interviews I have learned that all people have similar desires: to be respected and valued by others, to be able to make a good life for themselves and their families, and to be considered a worthy member of the global community.

I'm sure we will continue to learn more and more about Costa Rica and its people as the days pass. But I think in the end we are learning the most about ourselves...

-- Wilds


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