Tuesday, June 27, 2006

The Boy that learned to smile

As of right now if you were to ask me "What is the best thing so far?" Hmmm.. The interveiws. NO. The walking around the city? NO. Becoming closer to your fellow Pittsburghers? NO. The girls? Ya ....... NO. Building the beds for the families? That is second. Wow man! What can be better then building beds for the needy children? The looks on their face after you're done was magical. Yes it is. But there is one thing that touched me deeper then those children. Hmm... What can that be? Playing with the children. In this moment I was no longer there to help them. But they were there to help me. To show me even if the court of life is filled with pot holes and cracks all you need is friends and a ball. Ya Ya Ya I just had an Oliver moment. But it's true. Instead of just looking at this 6 foot 2 and a half black guy they called, "Ven a jugar." "Come and play." Before I knew it I was in a swarm of tiny Ticos. Running and passing the ball. At one time during the game I was called "amigo," "friend." These kids didn't even know my name but I was amigo. And in this moment a boy learned to smile. The boy is me. 17 years of life. And it took a short a game of fútbol para enseñar a un muchacho a sonreír.

====> Martaz Jo<====


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