Monday, June 26, 2006

The World is Calling

Costa Rica! This is what I’m talking about people. This is amazing. How many times in your life can you say that you threw yourself into a culture you know little about (I mean actually living in it, we did our research). It’s amazing! And what we’ve learned so far! I think that so far my favorite interview has to be Epsy Campbell. She gave us some wonderful answers to our questions. She told us that she joined politics because she loves the people and she loves the world. And as much as Trevor tried to convince me that she only said that because she’s in politics, I have to say that I truly believe she meant it.

Costa Rica is where it’s at folks. And the people here are so . . . passionate about their culture and their way of life that I think we can really learn something from them.

We’re in Costa Rica! We’re in Costa Rica! I love it!

p.s. when we salsa danced I learned that Trevor doesn’t know how to lead . . . and that you have to keep moving . . . and Oliver almost lost his head! Good stuff!

---Britney Marie Countz---


Blogger Suzanne said...

Are you going to move there? It seems like the perfect place for you. Lots of outdoorsy stuff, cool people and you seem CRAZY about the place.

11:03 AM


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