Monday, June 26, 2006

Buenas Noches! Contigo

Hola chicas y chicos, we made it to Costa Rica Gracias a Dios! Mami I will call you later when I get a calling card-Te Amo! Okay, back to the subject. I started the morning at the crack of dawn, meaning 5:00 o'clock, and blasted music until Ms. Wilds told me to turn it off--ahhh Man. Then we had some wonderful desuyano(breakfast), dinner and lunch as well, pero hoy has been long. We had two wonderful women represenatives of Costa Rica to interview who were very intelligent and muy excited--great personalities and trying to do wonderful things for their country so much props and thanks to those individuals who took out time to speak with us. As for the gentleman, he spoke like a true professor, like in the States very informational and intelligent as well as opionated and educated about what's happening in the world around him and at home. I wish them all the best and hope to talk with them later in the future. I have met a future president, a wonderful historian, and a professor/politian. Much gusto! I am still wired though and it's not like I'm going to sleep much again. Yay, we get help people tomorrow building beds. It is a beautiful country and the dance lesson was hilarious. We are having a ball!

--Boricua Princess--Frances


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