Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Day 3 was a bit bumpy

It didn't take that long for me to find myself struggling with the effects of a different nation upon myself. Today had its ups and downs, all of which I seemed to internalize.

Playing soccer with the school kids was amazing even though I had no D-fence (OLIVER). I played Goaltender, and I scored the only goal for my team! The kids however owned me. I was making a lot of pretty stops, its just I had no one playing d-fence in front of me.

The bed building truly struck me hard. It reminded me of probably the toughest 10 days of my life, which took place before I went to City High. The summer before 9th grade, I worked in Kentucky building houses for some of the poorest people in the U.S. The smell of the raw sewage was something that captured me and in essence was the one of the worst things I remember from that trip. Well I smelt that smell again today, thinking I’d never have to deal with it again, I nearly went emo, but no one noticed, so its all good.

Manuel Obregon is my hero. Nuff said.
Music is my passion as most people know and I love learning about musicians experience’s, lifestyles, as well as inspirations; and he provided all of that.

The café with the DJ… It made me realize that I am on this trip with a bunch of lunatics!


Journals…. I wrote 9 pages of bickering about Oliver being a Nazi about everything… I could probably have a book done about that subject by the time we leave!

Getting an email from my dad saying that Mark Cuban and Dan Marino are going to buy the Penguins!


It is pretty late, but I’m used to it. Sleep is for the weak!

Hasta Luego



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