Tuesday, June 27, 2006


It was another fascinating day in Costa Rica! One thing that being in a different country teaches you is how much we take for granted. As we meet new people and see different things I think about how small my perspective was before we arrived here. As much as I have travelled around the US, going out of your comfort zone gives me a complete new view of everything. Just buying a bottle of pop at the corner store is an adventure (using different money, never quite sure what people are saying to you).

The other amazing thing is wonderful expereiences that happen by chance if you just let them. This morning started with bed building and we had to meet the people from the organization in the neighborhood where we were to build the beds. The truck transporting the materials had broken down so we were left to stand in the school yard as a group of children began playing soccer. I could tell our kids we just dying to go over there and join in, so they did! They split up and joined the teams. It was an elementary school so just watching the young kids running around on the same court as Travis and Oliver was entertaining. But the amazing thing was that even though they couldn't communicate well verbally, they spoke a common language of sport and joy. When the game finally ended a group of 4 or 5 boys who were finished with their exams stayed to talk with us. I'm not sure who was more excited by the encounter the boys or our kids.

Eventually we were able to build the beds and see a whole different side of the capital, working in the poorest areas of San Jose. The kids were enthusiastic about getting to do some manual labor (so was I). And everyone enjoyed meeting the families that we were helping.

Our two interviews today we with Fernando Duran and Manuel Obregon. Obregon is a musician focusing on trying to maintain the musical traditions of Costa Rica and all of Central America. One of the most fascinating things that Obregon talked about was his experience in the rainforest. He said that he didn't really feel a part of the place until he learned how to really listen. I can't wait for our opportunity to stand in the middle of the rainforest and listen to all of the life around us.

Well its time for dinner and then we are going to a cafe with live music.



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