Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Facing my Discomort

Hi Yens Guys,

Oh my goodness my time here has been wonderful, but we had a discussion today about comfort zones, I guess one of my biggest discomfort on is posting a blog. So for Oliver I am sitting with my discomfort and posting at least something.

Well you pretty much know the low down about what's been going on in Costa Rica. So I probably don't have to go through my interpretation of the events day by day.

But I can honestly say that I've learned so much about Costa Rica and the Culture like "Fair Discrimination" and that we've probably eaten over 25 different fruits that I’ve never even heard of.

I wish people would send a list of questions, because I truly don’t know what to write. I hope you’ll post a comment So I know what you want to know.

Well we have our next interview in about 10 min so I have to get ready. I just wanted to get a shout out to Class of 2007 I miss you all. I hope to hear from you soon.

I miss you all. I hope to hear from you soon.



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