Monday, July 03, 2006

The End of a Journey!

Welcome to the rainforest/canopy tour.

There are 56 people in the whole town of Quebrado Arroyo, where we played soccer against the locals and lost masterfully. Victor was our tour guide while we were there and others helped us out along the way--like the cooks with the old wood fire stove.

There are two cabin areas that are split into two that hold up to 12 people total with plenty of space. The beautiful natural springs and waterfalls were wonderful after a hard's day work. And the (Evangelical) Church we visited was an experience in and of itself--more music than scripture, but very interesting. I don't think I have ever seen kids as strong as the ones we meet. They were like 3 and 5, but they were working to clear the soccer field along with us and carrying over 10 times their size. I am still sore from shoveling and moving and walking to clean up the field in order to help them play on it and use it for an event to raise money for the community.

I learned a lot about medicine. Especially where it's derived from because they explained how they used the herbal medications from plants while we were on this tour of their land. They showed us what was highly poisonous and what the kids use for crayons and food coloring. I saw many different types of birds species and ants but not so many animals. (When we visited the waterfall gardens we got to see the snakes and the butterflies--there was a unique cocoon which was golden.)

The people really appreciate what they have and enjoy sharing that same love of nature and peace and quiet with others. It was very eventful, trying to do everything at once. Sliding through the forest on a cable allowed me to view everything as a small grain that will eventually build up to a bigger picture. I have met so many people and have done so many things that I would never have thought I would do, but in the end I am glad it all came together.

I will never forget this experience. I have learned alot about teamwork, international politics, and ecological environments that are impossible to keep to myself. So, if you get a chance to view the world from a different perspective, or in a different country for that matter, never say no, just go in and do it, because with every experience you will grow and learn something that may create more unity in the world. Thank you to all the people who have helped us along the way. Though my body is aching, I had a blast and I would do it all again.



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