Wednesday, June 28, 2006

So how about we had a great time at the concert... AND WE MET THE PRESIDENT!!!!!

At the concert that I described in my previous blog we were sitting in the audience (nose bleed) and they announced that Nobel Peace Prize winning, President of Costa Rica, the one, the only, Dr. Oscar Arias!!! After the show was over we were standing at the door waiting to meet up with Manuel Obregon and out came Dr. Arias!!!!!! Oliver used his keen dialect to draw him in, I used my long reach, and Felicia used her "Philly" aggressiveness for us three to get in and meet the president and shake hands with him!

That right there kids, is a "Yeah!" moment.



Blogger Suzanne said...

Awesome!! I have only read the first post but it sounds like you are having an AMAZING time. I've been to Costa Rica but didn't have the connections you have. So next time I travel, I know who to take...

So did the president say anything to you? Does he speak English? Have you washed your hands since shaking his?

I am going to read as much of the rest of your blog as I can before the cable guy gets here but thanks to Stephen for alerting me to the very cool photos and blog. I am going to read it everyday now.

Suzanne Walsh

5:59 AM


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