Monday, July 03, 2006


As I think back over these past 4 days, I struggle to find the words to describe all that we saw, did, and experienced. I think Trevor said it best after we had hiked through the rainforest and were looking out over the forest and all the way to the ocean. As I tried to frame a shot with me camera, he leaned over and said "No words or pictures can ever really capture this".

Our days away from San Jose are a jumble of images: the scary monkeys that tried to eat our food at the beach; bodysurfing in the Pacific Ocean; watching a three-toed sloth crawl across our path and pull himself into a tree; bouncing up the dirt road through the rainforest to Quebrada Arroyo; meeting all of the people at the reserve; the view of the forest from our balcony; working on the soccer field despite humidity, heat, and the tropical sun beating down on us; swimming in waterfalls; hiking through the forest eating plants and watching the wildlife; the toucans hanging out in the tree while we ate dinner; getting our butts kicked in futbol by the locals and then everyone jumping into the waterfall pool fully clothed; our party with the Ticos; zipping through the treetops hanging by just a harness; arriving back in San Jose and heading out for a surprise -- the mask maker we had visited earlier staged a maskara in the park just for us (complete with 7 guys in huge masks and a live band).

I guess I agree with Trevor there really are no words sufficient to convey the depth of this experience for everyone involved. I have traveled to many places but I don't know that I have ever truly been to anyplace as much as I have been in Costa Rica. A few days or weeks from now, when everyone has a chance to sit back and reflect on this experience there may be words but for now I am speechless...



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