Thursday, June 29, 2006

Mi Mejor Amigo de Costa Rica: Wasting Away the Minutes

My New Best Friend is the receptionist of the hotel that we're staying in, and at this moment he has exactly 21 min until his shift is over, which is 1 AM, or 3 in the morning Pittsburgh time; so we're going to type something.

He is first going to type in Spanish about how he feels about all of the City High guests.

MADCR :Normalmente en este hotel no tenemos grupos de estudiantes por mucho tiempo, pero este grupo fue una experiencia muy especial porque ellos compartieron mucho con cada persona del hotel. Para mi especialmente me ha encantado conocer a Cristal. Ella es una persona con mucha energia y emprendimiento, estoy muy feliz de haber compartido con ella una pequeña historia de mi vida, gracias por ser mi nueva amiga de Pittsburgh cuidate mucho espero verte algun dia... Pura Vida Alberth Sandro Brenes Castillo recepcionista de Kap's place.

So now you have a first hand Tico perspective of the City High Connections Team. If you can translate you can see that Alberth has a lot of nice things to say. And he was a great help to the team and made our stay at Kap's Place Wonderful.

He was one of the few people I've personally interviewed (con ayudita) on my quest to get a real everyday prospective of Costa Rica from tourist to born and raised Ticos.

Buenas Noches o Buenos Dias
Pura Vida


Blogger Suzanne said...

I LOVE that you had the receptionist blog in Spanish and that your new best friend really captured the spirit of you and City High students. :)

10:47 AM


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