Thursday, June 29, 2006

Learning to Listen

The other day when we interviewed Manuel Obregon I thought that one of the most important things he said was in reference to his time in the rainforest. He told us that we need to "learn to listen" to everything around us. I realized that the idea of learning to listening extends beyond just physically hearing. We are beginning to be able to feel the rhythms of this country and its people. Whether it is Crystal trying to interview every Tico she meets (though usually with the use of an interpreter) or Felicia yelling "Hola" out the window of the van to EVERY person we pass, we are all enthralled by the country and the people. From the interviews and our experiences with everyday people, the kids have become honorary Ticos (at least in their own minds). When we see large groups of tourists or drive through communities that have large numbers of American condos or fast-food chains, the kids begin to discuss the ignorance of gringos and the economic and environmental issues they cause.

Today was amazing!! We all had very sleep (getting home late from the concert and up at 5:30am to catch our bus) but the drive to the coffee tour was beautiful and Miguel our guide made it educational as well. Even though it rained most of the time, we began practicing our listening skills. Standing by the edge of the volcano, we were unable to see the crater because of the clouds but we were still able to use our other senses (listening to the fumaroles and the stinging smell of the sulfur). I loved the butterfly gardens at La Paz but by far the best part of the trip was the waterfall gardens! We climbed across suspended bridges and wooden and metal stairs built into the rainforest. You could HEAR the falls long before they materialized out of the forests.

The kids are truly enjoying a life-changing experience (as are the adults)! We are still goofy and laugh hysterically about silly things but when it comes to the important moments... I have been so impressed and proud of them the words escape me!! I truly wish that everyone could enjoy an experience like this one!



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