Monday, July 03, 2006

Pura Vida

The thought of leaving Costa Rica tommorrow is a really emotional thing to me. I have learned so many things about life that it are amazing. Although I really didn't want to go to the rainforest, but I learned more there than I did in the city. I learned about working hard for what you want. I watched people who had nothing, build up to make something. Although they haven't reached their ultimate goal, I hope by this time next year things will be booming for them.

The crazy thing about it is that I went to Quebrado as a young girl looking to recieve something from these people, but then I realized that I was the one that needed to be giving out. I didn't come to Costa Rica to recieve, I came to give. I didn't come to answer questions, I came to ask them and learn. Going out there and working hard in the hot sun really taught me some lessons. Afterwards I felt good to know that I helped someone else, that, for once, I blessed someone instead of looking to be blessed. This experience in Costa Rica was not about me coming to have a party, but being the worker, the servant. In the United States it seems like we are so stuck on ourselves with the mindset of "what can I do to get richer"; we do things a lot to get recognition, but why not be that person on the mountain, working with others towards a common goal. I mean, I rarely see my next door neighbor. I wouldn't know if she was dead or alive, these people see each other day in and day out and they show the real meaning of family. I just hope that when I get home I can keep this with me forever. I hope that when I come off of this Costa Rica "high", that my life is changed forever. I may not be able to change the dynamics of my community, but I can start with my family. I can start by working with the people I love the most. I can start by not worrying if my name will be recognized for the works I do, but I can be concerned that whatever the need is, that I do my best to work towards it.

I faced every fear I have in Costa Rica. People half my size saw me run from bugs and heard about my experience with the bats. I played soccer and ate more beans and rice than anyone I know. I didn't have much room for preference because there were a limited number of options. After all this I learned a lot from this little country. And I hope what I learned can be given to other people and that I will never forget these people. They showed me that they live by what they say everyday, and they gave me a new perception of things. So, hopefully, I can live up to this little phrase "Pura Vida!!!"



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