Tuesday, July 04, 2006


So the last day started with saying goodbye to the little people of the rain forest--the fun loving, hard working people of Quebrada Arroyo. This small tropical rain forest community was great. No, more than great, truly unbelievable. No crime. No drugs. Just people living a "Pure Life" compared to the rest of Costa Rica. But one stood out more then the rest. Victor. A 35 year-old Costa Rican wanting to know English. So, as we worked, he would point to the ground and say, "In English," and Steve and I would reply "Dirt". Then he would reply "Durt". Then we would say "dirt". Then he would say "Dirt". After this I would nod and smile. He would give me a grin half the size of his face. But yes, the rain forest was full of plants and animals. But I was amazed by the small community. Only three days with my friend Victor and I was able to learn the meaning of "Pura Vida". So........


I'm coming home tonight.

====> Martaz Jo <====


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